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  • Foto del escritorValeria Iannone

The two faces of the Metaverse

Actualizado: 14 ago

Speaking humanly of the Metaverse, and thus not only of its usefulness, I believe that a sense of digital alternative is gaining ground: this began in the Covid years, when, having to stay within our own walls, we got bored and filled that time with passive activities in our minds, because, as we know, passive time is the fastest flowing! This evolution of technology is making and has made the importance of the Metaverse in the workplace radical: the benefits include improved technological skills, the creation of employment opportunities, the immediacy with which to interchange and even improved creativity.

On the other hand, however, the Metaverse could lead to some undesirable consequences for users and society in general. And this is what worries me personally the most. For example, the addiction of a simulated reality reminds me of an episode of a Netflix series 'Black Mirror' that aims to appeal to the invasion of social networks that we live in nowadays and make us aware of how dangerous and unrealistic they can be. We live in a world that is a little less human and more technological every day, and the inclusion of the Metaverse will amplify this even more, as I believe that besides creating privacy issues, it could give rise to an addiction to simulated reality.

Valeria Iannone

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