- 19 jul
- 2 min.
Metaverse and Children: Ensuring a Safe Virtual Space, a Significant Challenge
- 15 jul
- 3 min.
The Metaverse and Fashion: A Digital Revolution
- 11 jul
- 2 min.
What role do avatars play in the Metaverse?
- 11 jun
- 3 min.
EU and Metaverse governance: necessary monitoring on the future of Metaverse
- 11 jun
- 3 min.
5G: a key technology for the development of the Metaverse
- 28 may
- 2 min.
How the economy is transformed in the Metaverse
- 20 may
- 3 min.
Perspectives on the Future of the European Union through the prism of new multi-crisis episodes
- 22 abr
- 4 min.
The risks of the Metaverse
- 18 abr
- 2 min.
Metaverse and the evolution of digital identity
- 5 feb
- 3 min.
Digital Relationships
- 27 oct 2023
- 3 min.
MMORPG and the Metaverse
- 25 oct 2023
- 3 min.
The revolution of the metaverse: Balancing advantages and disadvantages
- 10 oct 2023
- 4 min.
Metaversing in Europe: Concrete Examples and Impactful Players
- 14 sept 2023
- 3 min.
Art in the Metaverse and its Creative Revolution
- 5 sept 2023
- 2 min.
Metaverse Internships for Vocational Education and Training (VET) Learners: Bridging Practical
- 17 ago 2023
- 2 min.
Revolutionizing Education Through the Metaverse: An Immersive Learning Experience
- 26 jul 2023
- 1 min.
The two faces of the Metaverse
- 5 jul 2023
- 3 min.
Education in the Metaverse: a change in the paradigm
- 4 jul 2023
- 2 min.
Technological breakthrough: the Metaverse