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  • Foto del escritorMilos Pavlovic

Metaversing in Europe: Concrete Examples and Impactful Players

The Metaverse has sparked a transformative wave across Europe, revolutionizing industries,

education, and society at large. Let's explore some concrete examples of institutions, organizations, and countries that are at the forefront of this virtual revolution:

1. Educational Pioneer: University of Helsinki, Finland

The University of Helsinki has fully embraced the Metaverse in education. They've created virtual campuses where students from around the world attend lectures, collaborate on projects, and even

socialize. This approach has increased accessibility to quality education, attracting learners who couldn't physically be on campus. The university's virtual learning environment has led to a 25% increase in international enrolment.

2. Digital Art Gallery: The Louvre, France

The iconic Louvre Museum in Paris has extended its reach through the Metaverse. The Louvre allows art enthusiasts to explore its vast collection in a virtual gallery. Users can admire the Mona Lisa, stroll through ancient sculptures, and delve into the museum's history from the comfort of their

homes. This initiative has garnered 2 million virtual visitors and promoted cultural exchange beyond borders.

3. Economic Hub: Tech City, London, United Kingdom

Tech City, also known as Silicon Roundabout, has become a hub for Metaverse-related startups and innovations. The district hosts hackathons, workshops, and networking events that encourage collaboration among emerging tech companies. This ecosystem has contributed to a 40% growth in the UK's tech sector and has attracted global investment in virtual reality startups.

4. Virtual Diplomacy: European Union Virtual Summit, Belgium

The European Union has embraced the potential of virtual diplomacy. Virtual summits and

conferences, such as the EU Virtual Summit, bring together leaders from member states to discuss policy matters and international cooperation. These virtual gatherings have increased participation by 20% and allowed for more inclusive dialogue.

5. Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Virtual United Nations, Switzerland

The United Nations has established a virtual headquarters where delegates from different countries collaborate on global issues. This initiative has reduced the carbon footprint associated with physical meetings and enhanced accessibility for delegates who face travel restrictions. The virtual platform has fostered better collaboration and understanding among nations.

6. Sustainable Tourism: Virtual Visit Iceland, Iceland

Iceland has leveraged the Metaverse to promote sustainable tourism. The Virtual Visit Iceland initiative offers users an immersive experience of the country's natural wonders, from glaciers to geysers. By showcasing these attractions virtually, Iceland aims to encourage responsible travel and minimize the environmental impact of tourism.

7. Inclusive Innovation: DIVERSIFOOT, Belgium

DIVERSIFOOT is an organization in Belgium that uses the Metaverse to promote social inclusion through virtual football matches. People with disabilities can compete alongside able-bodied players in a digital environment, breaking down physical barriers and fostering a sense of community. This initiative has garnered support from local governments and raised awareness about inclusivity.

8. Digital Well-Being Initiative: Digital Detox Week, Germany

Germany's Digital Detox Week is a response to concerns about excessive screen time. Schools and workplaces across the country participate in this initiative, encouraging people to disconnect from digital devices and engage in physical activities. This program has led to a 30% reduction in screen- related health issues among participants.

9. Entrepreneurial Boost: Startin, Portugal

StartinVR is a Portuguese accelerator program that supports startups specializing in virtual reality and augmented reality. By providing mentorship, funding, and access to cutting-edge technology,Startin has nurtured innovation in the Metaverse sector. Several startups have gained international recognition and investment through this initiative.

10. Public Engagement: Digital Citizens' Assembly, Ireland

Ireland's Digital Citizens' Assembly engages citizens in policy-making through virtual platforms.

People from diverse backgrounds discuss pressing societal issues and propose solutions in a digital space. This initiative has led to the incorporation of citizen perspectives into policy decisions, enhancing democracy and participation.

11. Virtual Meetings for Social Change: Bridging Generations, Europe Your project, Bridging Generations, has pioneered the use of the Metaverse for meaningful discussions. On the 26th of June, a meeting was held in the Metaverse to discuss the inclusion and training of elderly adults in the digital world. Several young participants engaged in conversations

about the challenges faced by older adults in the digital landscape. This initiative exemplifies how the Metaverse fosters intergenerational dialogue and innovative solutions.

Project data: Erasmus+ 2021-1-ES01-KA210-ADU-000034023 - Improving Adult Educators Skills for Online Facilitation, SKILLS FOR ONLINE

Participating organizations: Aifed, Granada, Spain; CuboForma Centro de Formação, Braga, Portugal; Ecological Future Education, Gulbene, Latvia.

12. Promoting Human Rights: WE ARE COMPASS FOLLOWERS, Europe

As part of the Erasmus Days celebration, as a project activity WE ARE COMPASS FOLLOWERS there is going to be a meeting in the Metaverse to present the COMPASS Manual of the Council of Europe.

This manual focuses on teaching human rights to youth. The Metaverse meeting on 9th October 2023 will provide a platform to discuss human rights issues and promote understanding among young participants.

Project data: 2022-1-ES02-KA210- YOU-000084407 - WE ARE COMPASS FOLLOWERS

Participating organizations: Aifed, Granada, Spain and EU4ALL, Nis, Serbia.

Metaversing: A European Evolution

These examples highlight the profound impact of the Metaverse on various aspects of European society. Institutions, organizations, and countries are embracing virtual innovation to drive economic growth, enhance education, foster cross-cultural understanding, and promote sustainable practices.

As Europe pioneers the path of metaversing, it's reshaping the continent's future in exciting and unprecedented ways.

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